Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!I’ve been using AI tools to help grow my one-woman business for the past year.

Honestly, it’s been a game-changer.

For example, with the help of AI, I was able to DOUBLE my income last year without working more hours.

My business model didn’t change. I didn’t hire anyone. The only thing that changed was how I used AI to work more productively and efficiently.

So I thought I’d share some of the ways that I’m currently using AI to make money in 2023.

1. YouTube

Canva Pro license

I’ve been creating faceless YouTube channels for a few years now.

At this point, I have a few dozen channels in various “boring” niches. But combined, they add up to a substantial monthly income from both YouTube Adsense and affiliate products.

Most of the videos I create are evergreen, meaning the content should be relevant for at least a few years.

I also create videos around products that I can promote using an affiliate link, so the videos start earning right away, even if the channel isn’t monetized with Adsense.

However, coming up with video topics, titles, and scripts takes a lot of time, especially when you’re a solopreneur who is always juggling a dozen projects.

Last year I started using the Jasper AI writing assistant to help speed up the process.

Jasper is able to come up with video topic ideas, SEO-optimized titles, script outlines, hooks, and an introduction.

Once I have my outline, I can use Jasper’s “Compose” feature to fill in the blanks for each section of my script.

Here’s a basic example of what this looks like on my end:

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